
Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by Karaisk, Apr 29, 2012.

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  1. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    he meant stop
  2. jfaria1891

    jfaria1891 Member VIP

    hero's lol no HATE heros its horrible

    AS far as the spawn eggs go, iv seen a mod similar to this that wouldn't effect spawn egg prices what it does is u can make a trap use it on an animal the pick up the trap thus having the animal in you inventory and carry it back to your house/farm and release it. getting rid of the annoying luring with wheat burgade lmao
  3. kirederf60

    kirederf60 Active Member

    Spawn egg mod: Capture -> Release anywhere
    Trap mod: Capture -> Release anywhere
    I don't get the difference.....
  4. jfaria1891

    jfaria1891 Member VIP

    people were concerned with the mod ruining the prices of the spawn eggs so if u used the trap mod it wouldnt produce spawn eggs and they would stay rare items
  5. kirederf60

    kirederf60 Active Member

    They still have the same purpose so there is no real difference other than appearance.
  6. jfaria1891

    jfaria1891 Member VIP

    i think the wealthy would still pay good money for them as a symbol of wealth so like show off. but thats my opinion
  7. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    People pay for their functionality. And even if they buy it for show, why do it when they can walk outside to get one?
  8. jfaria1891

    jfaria1891 Member VIP

    did you even look up the mods were talking about. they wouldnt be able to walk outside and get one what they would get from actual animals would be animals in cages not EGGS it would be the animal in itself in a crate it looks totally different
  9. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    Simmer down guys... It would likely have the same effect but isn't this thread a bit old to post a new argument on?
    ^that was the sound of me locking the thread.
  10. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Nobody cares if it's an egg or crate, haha.
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