Balancing Out The Economy

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by Moeps2, Aug 9, 2011.

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  1. ColonelNietzsche

    ColonelNietzsche New Member VIP

    Think you need to calm down, maybe if you read through the posts before mine you'd understand before you start accusing me of being the 'problem' and of being disrespectful. Pretty hippocritical after that little speech.

    And if you think the world is in an economic crisis because people don't understand basic concepts I think you need to take your head out of the sand... or maybe just read up a little more ;)
  2. Grimborn

    Grimborn New Member

    Keep preaching man, say it loud. lol.
  3. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    you new people here should have a little history lesson, /warp mining is not a main warp, it is optional, and can be removed completly, that world was put in to aleviate some of the burdens new people were having.

    therefore to use the mining world and gain access to easy resources, there is no reason why there should not be a charge.

    the main warps are the ones like /home, /spawn and other ones in the main world. not mining world.
  4. Grimborn

    Grimborn New Member

    im not saying it should be free. im saying it should be free for people just got on the server for the first time. Thats all WE have been saying... you are refusing to read what has been said many times.
  5. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    and why should people get an advantage over others? no where else on this server does being new get you an advantage, just like no where else does being a vet get you an advantage. i said that a few posts back but it was ignored as well.

    we do not give advantages to any person or group of people. even VIP's, and MODS need to abide by the rules or face bannings, we dont give the VIP members anything that will give them an edge, why should we give newbies one?

    there are many players whom have been around for months and are broke, should we give them free passage as well? and if we give them free passage, then why not give those who have less than 5k in their bank, oh, but then what about those who have 5,100? those poor saps... one cost warp, then you can warp for free...

    the other thing to realize, as was said by max before, we cannot selectivly distinguish warp costs like that, we cannot make it cost some, and not others for the same warp. the plugins do not work like that for warps... regardless, max set out the guides, it looks good, if a yellow name wants to mine, they have the main world, or can vote and get the rupies, then use the warp.
  6. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Everyone needs to stop arguing. This post is to try to figure out how to fix the economy. I've been here for almost 3 months, and I don't get an advantage over newer people, as they don't get one over me. When I first joined, you had to pay for everything. If you're newer, get to work for people, win the lottery, sell stuff. Get money to use!
  7. olliestottle

    olliestottle Guest

    No worries bro, I'm not mad. I think your posts lack subject matter is all. You say people are greedy but nobody specific. You say people are short sighted but don't explain why. You say the world is in crisis for reasons beyond basic economics but you don't say how. I want more than ambiguous bullet points especially when others/myself are in the crossfire.

    Thank you for explaining to me Shadecrest's history. I have owned minecraft for over a week and never played singleplayer. I jumped into Shadecrest as my first experience. I don't appreciate the negative assumptions I should know which services are exclusive to Shadecrest and which are in-game mechanics. I'm being told I don't 'have' to use these exclusive services as if I'm suppose to be grateful. As the new guy I can't differentiate. I don't want animosity between us and hope it can end here.

    I know my measly $15 isn't much to you guys. However, I must be honest in sharing this negativity has given me pause in donating to the server.
  8. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Actually, all the money donated really helps out. Did you see the post located here? That's what donating helps out with. We're getting a huge new server.
  9. ColonelNietzsche

    ColonelNietzsche New Member VIP

    Well I can only apologise but like I said it looks obvious to me, for a start I don't recall using the word greedy, I said people hoarded money. So once again read it through. And if you want specifics check the top money list, whats the point of all that money if they're not even going to spend a fraction of it.

    (And anyone who does have big plans for their rupie stashes, SOZ :D)

    And as for explaining why the world is economic crisis... I'd live to write you an essay but I haven't got the attention span, and I doubt people would enjoy a massive block of text unrelated to the server.

    And why're you in the crossfire again?
  10. akpickle

    akpickle New Member VIP

    Back to balancing out the enconomy.....
    @Max- Im against taxes, but if you are going to put that money back into the economy by buying from players to do public works then I will gladly pay my 1%.


    With taxes and government funds comes a need for an actual government and a budget. A budget presents endless possibilities for people to feel cheated or like they are left out. Who will decide which players sell to the public works?
    It can be great, we just need to be careful about how the money is spent, and it does need to be used for the benefit of every player (or as many as possible).
  11. olliestottle

    olliestottle Guest

    Your previous post followed a post I made and left me with the impression it was about me. After reading the entire thread I could see that wasn't the case.

    Yes, back to the economy. The /warp mining fee isn't going to change plus I would like to see how it affects me before dismissing it. Nonetheless, the individuals at the top of the money charts are hardly going to be affected by a minor fee. It hurts the new guys like me who have a substantially smaller bank sum then they do. Its been said, no player will have an advantage over the other. As a libertarian I do not wish to see a progressive tax implemented on my brothers. Rather, I want to see the money be drained somewhere else as I am addicted to warp convenience.

    I still would like to see high tiered items available for purchase. I think it will take out huge sums of money in a short instance and gives me something to work towards. It's my way of trying to make minecraft a legit mmo haha.
  12. Grimborn

    Grimborn New Member

    In regards to the warps to the Colosseum if was possible that should have a high price, as there is already a walk way to the place that is nice looking.
  13. macbad123

    macbad123 New Member

    Is their a way to make /town spawn other persons spawn so the money will go to that towns bank? Cuz that would keep people from fist rushing /town spawn
  14. yvis

    yvis New Member

    The answer to this All: spend your
    Money! Just as in Rl!
    People earn more then they Can spend, That means That THE money is getting less value Everyday.
    If You font wanna THE economy to Go down stop hogging and Go buy/sell stuff!
  15. yvis

    yvis New Member

    in addition to my earlier post: We need a governement who exactly uses our money and uses that money to build stuff etc. Because right now money keeps apearing from nowwhere (when you sell gold to the servershop) nothing happens with the gold, but you do get money. So if taxes are introduced there has to be something done with these taxes.
  16. macbad123

    macbad123 New Member

    That would fix it ;D right nnow carter is spending all his money to his town Borderlands.
  17. Kekens

    Kekens New Member

    As a hardcore miner, I don't want all my hard earned money taken away :(
    That being said, I disagree with charging people a 1% tax or something. Of course there are ways around this, one being, putting my money in the town bank... but I'd rather keep it on hand for safe keeping.

    I think the economy is fine as is. Having diamond selling for 70 or 80 rupies is a good thing, new players coming into the server would be happy at the low cost.

    Well anyway, if some of these ideas are going to be implemented, I thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

    I believe we all agree on the cash4gold idea and I like it as well.

    Also resetting the mining world after a month or longer is also a good idea. But I believe we'd run into the same problem once the mining world is reset. People will be back on the forums saying the same thing. I also think 500r for warping to the mining world is too much, I think most people would just set their home there.

    I'd say implement the cash4gold idea asap and let us know when any other changes will take place.

    These are my 2 cents

    /cprivate (punches 2 cents)

    P.S. I think mostly everyone here that's complaining about the low prices are talking about bockbeard's stuff. I've seen many of his chests and most of his stuff is set at low prices. Others have to compete with him by setting their items at lower or same price. I feel that this is just being competitive and there is nothing wrong with that.
  18. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    i also noticed that bock's items are sold out alot of the time... which is a good thing but it gets his shops taken down when not restocked... :)
  19. j0hnnyblack

    j0hnnyblack New Member VIP

    I like how his prices are low, i think its stupid that Diamonds are 70-100ea and diamond swords sell for 600... its all out of whack. Honestly is it really fair to charge an extra 400r for your special ability to put 2 diamonds and a stick in a crafting box, or have sticks become worth 400r?
  20. Zero_X4

    Zero_X4 Member

    You havent already turned on the chest locking costs, have you? i was away until yesterday, and if its aleady been turned on i would be sad, seeing as i have not completed my base to build a storage room, and all my stuff is randomly placed around it...
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