This server use to be relatively lag free. My system is more than capable of running minecraft and my ms is always low. Ive connected to other server and I dont lag like I do here on shadecrest. I wouldnt make this post on a knee jerk reaction - the lag has progressively gotton worse since ive joined and its at a point wheres its becoming consistently laggy. I really dont mind a spike or lag when the admins are editing things... But its at a point where I hear enough complaints from everyone and its been going on for over 2 weeks where its been bad. The lag has been getting worse for the past 2 months it seems like. ______________________________________ Unfortunately when I complain about something I always want to suggest something but I dont know how these things work to give a opinion on it which is worth something. Can we do things to make the server less laggy?
To be totally honest, I've been experiencing less lag than usual lately, so no complaints from my end.
Even Nifix said the lag has been bad, which honestly it has been. Nifix pointed out that since the Spout plugin (jukebox one) was added, it's been laggy. Could that be the reason?