Bye folks, I'm leaving Minecraft and ShadeCrest for a while, to explore more games and communities. If you want, add me on Skype or Steam (Skype: ginger.swan100, Steam: GingerSwan). I'll be back for a while, about a week or so, around my cake day, the 25th of March. I have taken all funds from my town, and I expect to be entirely griefed by the time I return after the summer, if the map isn't reset.
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD= Suppose I'll see you on Steam then. Bye for now, but not forever.
Seeya gingie :'( In an avalanche, not one snowflake feels responsable. -Voltaire, during the French Revolution.
Barely even a week, are you freaking kidding me?! Is this some petty cry for attention, or are you just trying to piss us off? Because either way, I don't care, this is ludicrous. This board is for saying goodbye when you leave the community, not some "herpa derp, I'm going to be gone for a few days". My honest expectation with this was you would fold and come back in a month (and I would still be posting this sort of thing), but 9 days, really? Just really? This is pathetic. Thread locked.