Is there any way to fix the kills reset? Just sorta want the 1100 kill I've accumulated over a year or so back.
But liek, killing is wrong man..... ...Isn't it better to have a clean slate when you go up to see the big man?
You can reset kills without clearing the old kills. You just create a new objective and set that to display instead of the original. Would be neat for an all time kills list and like a monthly one or something. Compromise, bitches. Something something communication.
No like something messed up and all kills got reset back to 0, so all the kills I've gotten have disappeared.
His kills were reset (along with the rest of his scoreboard) for an unknown reason, and he wants them back. We aren't talking about reseting the entire servers kills. Only for players that have been online. o0z, for example, still has. ~700 kills.
It was probably from the update. We can probably get the old scores from the last backup before we updated.
Where is kill data stored? Which plugin? I have backups every other day going back to 7/6/2014 but it's of the survival server. There's no database backups that are regularly scheduled.
Ok I copied to my local the backed up of the Scoreboard.dat from 7/6. I don't want to jsut overwrite the current one would rather someone who is more familiar with this to restore what needs to be restored, the dat file is binary so I have no idea if we can restore parts of it or what.