I need your help! That's right! You! I only have so many ideas. Actually I have about 7. I need many ideas. As many as you can come up with. There are only a few stupid ideas. I don't know what they are, but we will know when we see them, and I'll still probably try them. Dungeons will have set limitations on the gear you can take in, so try not to make them too crazy. You can be a detailed or as vague as you want! I will try to keep the board as unorganized and updated as possible, but don't check back every 7 minutes. We already have one completed dungeon and one that is in the works, so very little has already been done. Just about anything is possible, as we have access to variable triggers, so craziness can happen! Can't wait to see what you maniacs have in store for yourselves, happy thinking! At some point I might record and show you crazies what I'm doing at the time, we'll have to see!
I wish I had a backup of this world file. It was the dungeon project with scripting, puzzles, a chest loot system, lots of stuff, secret doors, lots of crazy redstone, pits, traps, etc. Will check the server's directories, I think I saw a world directory called dungeon which was the name of my old world. Maybe it's still out there.
Not just a maze, I want puzzle rooms, hidden chambers, mini bosses, all leading up to some super boss, like maybe a spiderjockey with resistance III and a power II Flame I bow or something.
Nmb you want feedback...well I've had to think and I think there should be treasure chests,hidden trap doors, maybe even things that drop down on you follow the buzzards
Help! I need to figure out what items will be allowed into the dungeons! So far I have sticks, iron ingots, apples, string, and arrows! Is there anything else that should be allowed?
God, you should know that apples are the only thing that can keep you from getting infected pores in dungeons. (I chose apples because they are hard to get, kinda a limiting factor, makes it so there's a little pre-clear preparation required)
Add cookies! They only give one hunger. And I am noticing a lack of weapons. You have arrows but not bows...? Maybe some leather or gold armor. Unless those are found, then it's okay.
Maybe golden apples for food..maybe pumpkin pie with the apples...if u need a maze tester I'm game follow the buzzards
While you've probably thought of it. Dynamic mazes, pressure plates change a wall somewhere permanently, possibly opening a new are while shutting off an old one. A randomiser could be used so that the map's slightly different each time, hindering speed runs.
While there might be one like this, most of the dungeons will be challenging enough without the confusion factor
You know I'm going to start my own thread here so I don't derail yours http://www.shadecrest.com/site/threads/6161/