What is your IGN? magetime Who banned you?(use @<full username>) Console Why were you banned(ban message)? "Giving the server a bad rep." When were you banned? Today. How long is your ban? 2 Months Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? A bunch of us were playing on canos server and found this giltch with the shops and abused it. The only thing I did was abuse the giltch and make money, I was not disrespectful nor was I cursing or saying foul things. Why should you be unbanned? I think I should be unbanned because everyone that played on that server was pretty much from Shadecrest so it didn't really give it a bad "rep" and I didn't really do anything wrong other than abuse a shop giltch although what I did was wrong and should've come to the common sense of just stopped.
I'm just going to assume you've read the other appeals, so I don't have to say everything again about how ti reflects back to us. I will reiterate the toxic player part of it though. If it's not acceptable here, why do you think we'll find it acceptable when we find out you're doing it to others?
I realize what my actions have caused, I completely understand and feel bad because what happened on canos server should've never happened but it did. What we did reflects back on to Shadecrest as a being a toxic players, I sincerely apologize(already had done in sleberts appeal) to not only cano but also the staff of survival for having to go through all these logs and such over such an immature thing. It was wrong of us to abuse a giltch and also to try and ruin canos server as it takes a lot of work to run one.