Dogs or Cats?

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by Rem, Jan 9, 2014.


Dogs or Cats

  1. Dog

  2. Cat

  1. kmpurplekat

    kmpurplekat Active Member VIP

    This is my Rascal

    Attached Files:

    Flamestar00 and StephenP67 like this.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    some things will never change
  3. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Wait... what's rule #1?
  4. DastardlyWhale

    DastardlyWhale Well-Known Member

    Flamestar00 and PieSquared761 like this.
  5. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP


    Fixed it :)
    Hez, kizzyfazzle, Flamestar00 and 2 others like this.
  6. treyman77

    treyman77 Active Member

  7. BurningIce2

    BurningIce2 Active Member VIP

    It will be ShibeCrest soon!

    Ok lol jk <3
  8. BurningIce2

    BurningIce2 Active Member VIP

    Oh and this is my doge sleeping...

    Attached Files:

  9. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    when my dog is with me i am a dog person

    when my cat is with me i am a cat person
  10. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

  11. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    how do you know where I live D:
  12. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    The great Danny~~ told me
  13. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP


    the great vote rocker himself
  14. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    My cat is the best.
  15. Flamestar00

    Flamestar00 Active Member VIP

    Ikr? You don't have to do anything. No care required.
  16. kizzyfazzle

    kizzyfazzle Active Member VIP

    Oh wow this thread got ruined...

    I actually love both animals, before I got my little dog I begged for a cat because I already had a dog but my mum and dad wouldn't let me and I basically I got the opportunity for a dog and I grabbed it...

    I love my dogs because they always stay next to me but I haven't had a cat so I cant really judge, but from my neighbours cats I have seen that they can be both friendly or unfriendly and are pretty cute to :3.
  17. BurningIce2

    BurningIce2 Active Member VIP

    My dog has been prognosed with bladder infection... :'( She'll be operated in 2 hours...
  18. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP

    Sorry to hear that cida. Hope all goes well.
    BurningIce2 likes this.
  19. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    We all pray for it to live even the cat lovers

    Sent from my RCT6378W2 using Tapatalk
    BurningIce2 likes this.
  20. BurningIce2

    BurningIce2 Active Member VIP

    Thanks for the support guys....