Just wondering what the best way is to notify staff of servers being down? I don't want to needlessly hassle staff but if there is some way to notify staff when a server goes down to minimise down time that would be great in reducing frustration. Also if there were some sort of feedback on the forums in cases where it needs more than a simple reboot it might be nice to know how long servers might be offline.
We need a team of staff that is on in the early mornings and late nights. And possibly a website sound notification of some sort. A unique chime every time you get a message perhaps, just in case a staff member is tabbed out.
you posted this on the news and update thread for the entire community... this is neither news nor update... please watch where you post D=
Oops sorry. Can it be moved? I thought it was relevant to getting news and updates on server status. My derp.
Mod requests give chimes! No more chimes please. Moved. Anytime multiple servers are down, the best thing you can do is PM Max (imaxorz). It would be a good idea to say you did so in the shoutbox just so others know and he doesn't end up with 30 pms for the same problem. If only one server is down and just needs a restart, there are a few more admins who can do this. Sharq and Dyno for survival, Sharq and myself for creative are the ones I'm sure about.
Thanks. When you say PM Max is that the same as conversations? I noticed he was online when I checked at 10:30 Aus time and sent him a message in conversation because he had suggested it another time the servers were down for an extended period.
Also, this is just for Max's sake, post in the shoutbox before you pm him (to say that you're messaging him); just so he doesn't get a dozen people all saying the same thing. The main thing though, is that not all staff are equipped to fix the servers, there's only a core group who handle to software side of things (You should be able to pick them out if you're observant enough). Run-of-the-mill staff members like myself still need to message Max like the rest of you plebs.
Yeah it's the same as a conversation, I'm just used to the old term of private message. It's basically a way to send him an alert that shows the servers are down.