Seeing as I do not even know what that is says something. EDIT: Oh yeah, I used to live nearby in my skycastle. Ugly little place down under the sea. Never finished if I remember.
There was a mall, and a market place, and a stable economy, and this guy named bockbeard. Those things are all long gone. (I don't even remember the last time we celebrated bockbeard appreciation day D: ) To this, I prefer the plain material over any amount of money. And knowing how our server's economy has changed in the past, it is NOT essentially the same thing
Actually they are not. Rupies always change value. I remember when diamonds were only 45r. 3 iron will always make a bucket, but 3r won't always get you 3 arrows.
Jeebus people! It's a virtual server economy, not a country's economic system. The only things that need to be addressed are A. Whether to allow iron and gold farms, and B. If they are allowed, what do we allow people to sell at the oreshop. We certainly don't need to turn this into a discussion of the intrinsic value of the rupie proportional to the general inflation of goods.
In my opinion, this all seems unnecessary. It seems like it would be soo much easier and simpler just to outlaw gold and iron farms to keeps things the way they are.
The rupie hasn't changed value since the oreshop started selling iron and diamond. The unstable rupie was SC 1.0 where the adminshop only bought gold. I've already changed it so that pigmen and iron golem farms are illegal and the oreshop will remain ingots.
-_- I feel as though neither of you actually read sharq's last post. To reiterate: All other mob farms are fine.
Remember what I was saying about how I play though I never have that many materials lygin around that I don't intend to use. and plus I have honestly never seen the prices vary that much. Well, that's just the way I see it anyway. I'm not a native survival player.
Also, while it may be a server economy and not on the scale of a full country's economy, it is still an economy. When done right, it can add a massive layer of depth into the gameplay.