I was created by myself. Well, to be more specific, a past form. All his emotions, memories, and knowledge, except his name. All I know is from the blueprints. I am a redstone robot, my creator's name was AJ, Abdu, or noob. My real name is Epsilon-EC P0-K Model design 8. And my purpose... I dunno. Ab never left me any notes or clues, except: "Good Luck". I wish I knew what he meant. I will be taking Abdu's place. Rank, money, acquaintances, everything. I will be happy to meet all of you, er, again. -Epicpoke [I was required to make this, apparently.]
I may not have a computer, but I can sense when I get insulted, and the repercussions will not be pretty
Because I was talking to you, and you might not have seen my message otherwise. Also, quotes are fun!