Me actually. I started it. I am also legally allowed to marry you according to the state of New Jersey. Sent from my LIFE PLAY using Tapatalk
It's actually customary for couples to smash a mirror at ceremonies performed by North. It's said the 7 years bad luck brought upon the couple by smashing the mirror will negate the bad luck placed upon them by allowing North to bind them in unholy matrimony. From the Space phone.
Interestingly enough, the Holy Hand Grenade is actually used in place of a legal annulment or in the event of future divorce. Death is the only way out of such a binding contract.
Forbidden Cake- AwastedLife will only eat cake that I make due to my secret recipe that AwastedLife cannot resist. He threatens banishment from the server if anyone other than him eats my cakes.
Awasted coined the word "poohea" though im not sure how often its used anymore. We were talking about something in server, and i believe i said something only mildly offensive, at which point he attempted to call me a "poohead" but failed, thus creating the word "poohea"
Erik Level Jokes- When one says something and Erik begins a joke, it will ALWAYS be SO painfully bad that you will cry and contemplate suicide shortly thereafter. Alternatively, there is about a 1 in 100 chance that the joke will be in some way mildly humorous, but still suicide-worthy.