have a good amount of teams by now. How do you guys feel about doing it Aug 2nd Friday? And we need to figure out the time this will start as well, so be sure to let me know of a time that is suitable for all teams, otherwise you're going to make me work more =( Current Teams: 1.Team Arcadia - Alan321 & ndvenckus1 - [Pro] 2. Team Swaggin Squids - iiDreamzzHD & Padaun - [$wag] 3. Team Illuminati -o0z & zombieslayer1111 - [<3Bethany<3] 5. Team Not Really Administrators - thechooosen1 & bluud2 - [ADMIN] 6. Team Awesome canopeners - awesomeguy2010 & canopenertrooper - [umad?] 7. Team (• ε •) - NMBr2d2 & Pieman_Is_God - [(• ε •)] 8. Team n3rd h3rd - gugu3 & AQTguy - [WeRAmerzing] 9. Team Caribbean Shoplifters - North_Korean & NikleKing - [█♥█] 10. Team The Boomerangs - Legend9468 & majestic_moose - [STRAYA] 11. Team Bean Supreme - Bobbylou4 & warlordofnotch - [IV] 12. Team Demigods - aarondang & Hakalu - [Godlike] 13. Team BloodandGlory - FewlyKewly & angelorcales12 - [KingsOfGlory] Updated.
Anytime is ok for me as long as I get a notice of it. As long as you contact me beforehand, I will try and set up a time where Hakalu can actually get on as well. For our match at least*
Dude sorry to say but two capital isn't really that bad, and instead of quoting the whole thing and take up more room on the forum post maybe just edit it down a bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Yeah I think sometime in the afternoon/evening (American) on the Friday/Saturday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Confirming this! I will participate as long as wicked makes it xD Damn time zones. If he hasn't chosen a team name yet. We will be Team ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
YAY! so if someone can make a table/ladder, i suppose the two teams will just agree on a time to battle it out? and the process will continue until there is a winner?