Cursing and racism in chat

Discussion in 'Finger Pointing' started by THEdeadRETURNED, Jul 7, 2013.


    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    What is your IGN?: THEdeadRETURNED

    What is the IGN of the offenders?: thechoosen1 & slimshady305625

    Which rules did they break?: No swearing, spamming, or CAPSLOCK/other annoying ways to type

    Are there any witnesses? What are their IGN's?: bluud2 & PieSquared761

    Did you talk to the people who were doing the rule-breaking? What did they say?: No i did not, i just took the screen shots

    Around what time did it happen? (include timezone): around 4:20 PM EST

    Do you think they should be given a punishment for this?: maybe a mute or temp ban

    Do you have screenshot(s) or video(s) of the incident (example: chat logs)? Post them at the end of the post: yep

    Were any mods or admins on at the time this happened? Who were they?: nope, but quietsea came on about 5 mins later

    Have they broke a rule(s) before? Which ones?: no clue
  2. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    I gave him a mute, he doesn't seem to be taking me seriously though.
    I'll leave the mute on for a bit, and if he learns his lesson, i'll unmute him.
    If he, however, continues to annoy me, and try to get around the mute by using the other chats as the main talking chat, then i'll make it a temp.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

  4. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    don't swear, simple as that. If no staff is online, and there are issues happening along these lines, it's your full right to contact a staff member.
  5. thechooosen1

    thechooosen1 Active Member VIP

    Hey I was wondering if you could send the full screen shot not cropped?

    P.S sorry for sounding/acting like a poop head guys :)

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    i didnt take full sceen caps, i use gyazo for screenshots and it just takes what u see
  7. thechooosen1

    thechooosen1 Active Member VIP

    Damn :/ thanks anyways
  8. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    so this a ban?
  9. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    No, i muted him. Next time he slips up I'll ban him.
  10. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    lame...I vote we stone him to death
    stlnaturals likes this.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

    LOL, an interesting punishment for sure...
  12. thechooosen1

    thechooosen1 Active Member VIP

    Quoot! :( y u do dis
  13. InvaderZar

    InvaderZar Member

    Shun the rule-breaker! Shuuuuuuunnn! *picks up rock*
    I know I probably shouldn't post here.

    THEdeadRETURNED Active Member VIP

  15. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP