I Am Going to Make a Banner

Discussion in 'Server Media' started by Snarferman, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Snarferman

    Snarferman Member

    I'm going to make a banner like picture in GIMP for the server, and I was looking for requests for skins to be in it. If you would like for me to use your skin in my banner, please post a reply with your IGN and a link to your skin. Thank you for your help. -Snarf
  2. SubDeathGod

    SubDeathGod New Member

  3. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    I wouldn't use gimp for this. It may sound like a good option from youtubers but it hardly has any features that look decent. I would recommend getting Blender 3D (open source) I am an expert with it and can help you with almost anything. It will give you that Slamacow logo look with the 3D animated skins. might take some minutes out of your life with the interface but some people gotta live with it :\ Anyway good luck!
  4. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Lol, have you ever actually used Gimp? It has all the main features of Photoshop, but it's free. And you realize a 3d modeling and animation program is in an entirely different category than a photo editing program, right?
  5. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    I do. I have gimp and have used it for nearly 6 months now (i hate it). And Blender isn't just a 3D modeling program. While it is mostly used for that, you can do many other things with it like edit videos, edit photos, and create games. All I am saying is that if you use Blender you will most likely get a better outcome with it.
  6. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Lol, I have a lot of experience with Blender, and I'd like for you to explain to me how you can edit photos and videos in Blender better than you can in an actual photo/video editing program...
  7. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    Hopefully you have the latest version of Blender. If you do, there is an option to switch from your standard 3D modeling interface into a "video editing" interface. Pretty simple. The button is at the top... With the photo editing I just use the video editing tab but with a .jpg file (I improvise a lot in Blender for solutions)... Also to put the skins onto Blender MC rigs. I just download the skin file, UV map it to the body and presto, you have one damn good looking MC character. You can view what I did in 3 minutes. Just go to www.youtube.com/user/EyreBlueCinema and look at my channel wallpaper.

    You can also import a Minecraft world with MineWays into Blender. It looks incredible! Add a sun, anti aliasing, and Ray shadows and you have Minecraft 2.o!
  8. Wicked_Walrus

    Wicked_Walrus Member

  9. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

  10. iamenrique123

    iamenrique123 Active Member VIP

    CanOpenerTrooper likes this.
  11. Snarferman

    Snarferman Member

    I'll make it soon, I just need a few more skins.
  12. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

  13. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

  14. PhaseMaster

    PhaseMaster New Member

  15. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

  16. A360P

    A360P Well-Known Member Creative Architect

  17. Snarferman

    Snarferman Member

    :( Something bad happened, my schedule changed, so I cant make this banner for a while, but I will use the skins when I can get to it.
  18. iamenrique123

    iamenrique123 Active Member VIP

    I'll make a banner :p but it wont be that good
  19. Snarferman

    Snarferman Member

    Okay, I have time to make it now, but I changed my mind about making it in gimp, instead I'm going to make it somewhere else