If you bought any tickets in the old lottery (before the time of this post), then bump this thread with your IGN and an approximation of the amount of tickets you bought. We'll get onto giving you a refund. Also, no BS for the amount of tickets, it's so we have a general idea of how far back we need to look in the logs. Eg. majestic_moose Bought 10 tickets
Note that I changed the current going lottery (may the 4th be with you EST) so if you had a ticket before, you do not now, but I already refunded you the money you paid for the previous lotto.
Yeah, but those two you bought were for the current plugin we have. You actually went into the draw to win with those. The previous plugin players just lost their money since no one won. Also, current plugin is /lottery buy, previous was /lottery enter. You've never typed /lottery enter