29:45 is okay but I would set a goal for atleast 25mins, I can make 5k in 20:20 but 6th grade good job!
Hey AwesomeGuy, I listened to you, and I got a real account. By the way, I would NEVER EVER EVER get a score like that. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh By the way, how do you do a Signature at the end, like yours. "I am a person. Deal with it."
I have asthma so I'm more of a sprinter. (I'm still better then a bunch of "long" distance runners though)
I die after 1k but when I play sports I can run up and down the field no problem. Although I spend most time on SC
Acquire treadmill or exercise bike, set computer up above it. Set to moderate pace and play mc/browse teh interwebs