I've recently started trying to make renders for Minecraft builds and I think they are turning out pretty good so far. This thread is for you to either request a build to be rendered: Format Warp: I won't do every build because each render can take over two hours, and if I mess up the settings then I have to do the render multiple times. You don't have to request your own build either, like if you want to see Black Lotus rendered that is fine too. Also if you make your own render, or see a cool one post it here too Here are mine:
An idea that I came up while thinking of places that I would like to see rendered. Either plotworld spawn or the new tutorials may be a good idea, so they can be used as cover photos or something like that online. Any of the respective world spawns may also look nice. I say plotworld spawn, because even though it's plotworld, people can look at in online and then when they join the server they would have that moment of recognition "Oh my god, I know this place!". Helps them identify with stuff.
If your looking for something else to render, ./warp aeire would be cool It was the community build Would be cool seeing that rendered
A360 you are blowing my poor little mind with your creations. <3 <3 <3 !! I love them to pieces.. Fabulous!
I am currently rendering Aiere, Pieman made a good point that it was a community build so I've bumped it's priority. I'll then do Steam Town and Black Lotus.
sioutdoors I guess this is my thank you for letting me be a part of creating some of this. Sorry it didn't turn out that great, but I'll do another one a little later
Legend9468 part of the build didn't load >_< would have done a more artistic shot, but there was always a part built ship in the shot sioutdoors this render didn't turn out too great, sorry I realiised that I chose a bad angle about an hour in so I cancelled it.
I tried to title it so I wasn't taking the credit, but wasn't saying that it wasn't my build. Here's the post. Also posted on minecraftforum.net with a more direct title
A360P do you use Chunky to render these? I asked before but got no reply D: I myself have been experimenting with Chunky (too lazy to let it render for 2 hours)