Hey doods. I have recently actually gotten a website for the build crew up. All i am lacking are good names that DO NOT INCLUDE fyre............. If you have any good suggestions I would be much happiness.... misa dumb. So far the build crew has 17 people in it. Once the website is up, it will become much easier to cordinate these time lapses. anywho im moving in to my new New Zealand house and I can't get on the server for atleast 4 days due to only having 500 mega bytes of internet for now. 30NZ$ for every gigabyte D: If you are intrested in joining you can always PM me on youtube your IGN, rank, and warps. I probably won't get back to you right away due to the internet problem..... youtube:CanOpenerTrooper (might change the name to the build crew name) ***EDIT PLEASE READ***** ok guys, I have made up the tough choice of creating a new youtube account. I have never liked the layout and would like to get more involved in other stuff, I will edit in the new name once I think of one. The new youtube layout will be, more HD videos, better video quality, and more effort into my videos.
O yes and,, I have 63 subbers on my youtube exept I am makign a new one for a fresh good start (EyreBlueCinema)
Well, I just moved to New Zealand and I don't have wi-fi yet, I am waiting for it to get here, then I will be ready
Yes you can join. just subscribe to my youtube: EyreBlueCinema I have 5 cinematics waiting to be uploaded.
I'd like to join if that is alright. I hope there is some room! I am builder II and I am good at ships and abstract vehicles.