just makes sense

Discussion in 'Creative Server Suggestions' started by CanOpenerTrooper, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    So i was looking at TAB and noticed that the builder II names were in dark green and in chat they are light green. I was wondering if anyone wanted to change them so it would builder II names would be a bit more distinct than the builder I lime green name tags. And it would also make TAB and chat in sync. so just a minor thing. :D
  2. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    I wouldn't mind it. Maybe builder I as yellow and rank II as green
    Pelle_Sudden, A360P and AnnodynS like this.
  3. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    yes (survival)
  4. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    Tanks I like the idea maybe have builder I as yellow like in survival and builder II in dark green or something.
  5. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    Will you apply this max?
  6. Lionfish12

    Lionfish12 Active Member Creative Architect

    Except that VIP are sort of yellowish too, maybe like like green builder I, purple builder II?
  7. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    This would probably be a fair bit useful.

    Not sure how many of you saw this, it would appear that I have a twin on the creative server (Legend2542, Builder I) and it confused the living daylights out of people whenever we both spoke at the same time; I even got accidently temps banned when he cussed and it was not realised that it was him and not me . Different colours may help with circumstances like this.
    Lionfish12 likes this.
  8. Edomien

    Edomien Member

    If Builder II is made purple, I will love everyone.
    CanOpenerTrooper likes this.
  9. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    I think this is brilliant. I'd like to see Builder II's stand out. There are less of them and they've worked so hard to get to that rank normally. I consider them a great help too.. They tend to stand out in the community and I feel are considered a helpful resource for lower ranked members to get advice from. It would be easier to pick them out in a different color.
  10. waterpower1

    waterpower1 Active Member

    The same colour as architect? Not so great that part, how about a different colour, blue for example. Also, how about changing their name from builderII to exp (experienced) builder? That will show the guests and builder 1s that these are the players to go looking for advice, not the super busy architects and admins.
  11. A360P

    A360P Well-Known Member Creative Architect

    Architects are blue on the server, they are purple on the forums to avoid confusion between architects and survival mods i think :S
  12. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Guest; grey
    I; light green
    II; blue
    Arch; purple
    Vip; gold/yellow
    My ideas if anyones interested
    CanOpenerTrooper likes this.
  13. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    I would swap II and Arch around, ingame Archs are already blue and it would just be easier if we only changed IIs. Although, then again I do like the colour purple.
  14. crazyboy162

    crazyboy162 Active Member VIP

    I agree with legend. And even so, the blue might get mixed up with purple. Why are colors so hard! D:<
  15. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    About the changing it around so that it's easier to change, or liking the colour purple?
  16. FirstAscent

    FirstAscent New Member VIP

    I do like purple! I like the VIP colors as they are currently set up too but in chat it would be cool if in the future our IGN was colored our actual rank instead of being entirely whichever VIP color. I mean getting VIP is a click of a button but getting Builder II takes a lot of skill and time.
    Pelle_Sudden likes this.
  17. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Lets have a rainbow of chat colours? xD
  18. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    LOL ya i have been confused and have been like "he got demoted" LOL so I really would like this feature in use
  19. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    Ermi Gerd People like my idea.....I AM SPECIAL
  20. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    LOl after reading over this chat i have created a chaos of color. My mind hurts of how confusing you guys are D:<