I was banned by troutman nopants at about 7:18 P.M. Reason: I was being inmature and was swearing. I simply do not expect to be unbanned nor am I trying to annoy you . I simply am trying to get myself into more trouble. What happened was that piesquared me and hunter were pvping I did fistrush multiple times but they did not make a big deal out of it, i certainly did though. No staff were on at this moment so things were kind of crazy. Hunter and I said we were watching the battle when suddenly piesquared jumped up on me and tried to kill me. I got stuck there was absoleutely no way for me to get out besides I had diamond armor on so I teleported home then piesquared threatened to get me perma banned and started being a little mean to me. Piesquared also wanted all my diamond armor I was nervous so I gave it to her. But about five minutes later I started to get angry and asked for my stuff back angrily and again and again and again I went on the fourms and told about this incident and after a while of arguing with piesquared I got banned. Not good, So I came here to appeal. I promise I will do this again even though I am aware you do not trust me I have been inmature ever since I came on this server. I am truly sorry I ask for another chance please I promise I will do it again.
Well I bye I guess I hope this server does well in the future I did not put trout man no pants there! what the heck? anyways bye