Vote for the BUILD OFF HERE

Discussion in 'Contests/Events' started by sioutdoors, Dec 4, 2012.


Vote for best representation of the theme FALL HARVEST

Poll closed Dec 11, 2012.
  1. Pieman_Is_God

    10 vote(s)
  2. TheOnlyGurra

    11 vote(s)
  3. adam_mills

    2 vote(s)
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  1. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Pick your winner NOW. Pick based on what build best represented the theme of FALL HARVEST. Poll is only activated for 7 days. I must say after all the hard work people put into this this is all that has replied. So good luck and may the best build win.


  2. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    were all the others not finished on time?
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    they should all be in the same texture pack :p judging by the pic gurru's looks the best just cause of all the better textures, default isn't the nicest.
    AnnodynS likes this.
  4. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    i hear ya but judge best represetation of the theme. And they had a month to finish and send me a pic. only 3 out of like 17 did soooooooo
  5. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

    if you go to the world, only like 4 look finished,
  6. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

    also how do i take half decent pics for this ¬¬
  7. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    Hey everyone, I visited their builds and looked carefully through every building before voting. There was so much detail that doesn't meet the eye in these simple pictures! (If you had several of each.. maybe but not just one exterior.) You simply can't make a good decision based on these pictures. :D

    Please don't vote without actually visiting their homes.. they worked so hard that I feel they deserve your best consideration. xD I felt it was only fair to take a few minutes to actually LOOK before voting. ;) /warp contest

    PS. I wrote a bunch of feedback about how and why I voted then realized that might sway voters. So I am going to add that after the votes are in. :)
  8. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    I will say that Gurra's build was a lovely in person as it was in the texture pack. xD.
  9. creeperkiller132

    creeperkiller132 Active Member Creative Architect

    well i'm sorry i didn''t finish my build :( i've got an explenation though here it is: HALO4
    AnnodynS and adam_mills like this.
  10. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

    thank you for whoever voted for me :D cos i didnt vote for myself, didn't think that would be fair
  11. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    its a dead heat
  12. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    I hope people are looking at the interiors too. It helps in making a decision. ( in my opinion.. :p)
  13. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

  14. Pieman_Is_God

    Pieman_Is_God Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    only a few more days left to vote!:)
  15. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

    i feel so alone :(
  16. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    dont, be proud you actually went through with the contest unlike so many others who didnt finish or care to send me pics to win
    adam_mills and AnnodynS like this.
  17. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    Adam you did a great job.
    Adam I have to tell you that I toured your build thoroughly . :) I LOVED the way you carried out the theme. In terms of ideas..yours was excellent. :) I ADORED the inside of your barn and the darling tractor.. and the red and white barn. <3 <3.. The barn was the best part. :) My husband and I own seven acres and your build made me think of home very much. I have some feedback for you but I'm saving it till the voting is over. You have great ideas. :)
  18. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    Sorry about all those smileys... It's hard to refrain.
  19. adam_mills

    adam_mills Member

    meh, i wasn't that bothered, i know unlike some *cough* pieman *cough* it was finished on time :p i didn't expect to win, i wasn't a huge fan of the fall/harvest theme tbh, it was a hard one to do. but thank you :)
    AnnodynS likes this.
  20. AnnodynS

    AnnodynS Guest

    Heeey... Pie's my new building buddy. :D ... no comments.. lol But I must admit *ahem* that I did notice his was not quite finished. :p
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