Well the prerelease has already been out a few days, which is good to mess around with in creative, but unfortunately it takes a while for all the necessary plugins to update. Hopefully not quite the 3 weeks that it was last time, but be patient peoples
Updates always leave me with mixed feelings. New stuff? Great. Having to wait on updates for half a dozen mods, then carefully reinstalling them all so they don't conflict? Not so fun.
I just wished that whenever they add something that makes the game easier (Ex. Anvils/Beacons) they add something that makes it more difficult to even it out.
Think about how you get a good beacon though. Killing around 120 wither skeletons which only spawn in a few regions of the nether, and then kill the wither, which has a chance of dropping the nether star. 164 mineral blocks later and you have a beacon. Not making game that much easier