Peaceful and PvP Reset: Feedback Appreciated

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by PhuzzYLogiK, Sep 28, 2012.

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  1. Random0ne

    Random0ne Well-Known Member

    I still think the best way to do the reset is to give the players who are complaining about losing digital money an "early access" to the new map. It would give them an advantage, and nothing would be brought over from the old world.
  2. TheShadow843

    TheShadow843 New Member VIP

    you make a good point heath, its not a new concept. but the thing is... Shadecrest isn't like the other servers. i'm almost insulted that you'd compare Shadecrest to "Other Servers" Shadecrest is successful for one main reason, and that is it dares to be different. whether it be the colorful staff (that's a compliment to the staff <3 you guys!) or the events every week that make everyone laugh and just have a good time. Shadecrest is NOT like the other servers. it respects each and every one of its players and the hard work and time they put into making the server great. so sure, if you want a server that give into peer pressure and does what other servers always do then go ahead, ruin Shadecrest. This is the only server I've ever actually grown attached to. that's why i love it... it's uniqueness and how it always pushes and strives to be different from other servers.
  3. rubbersoul420

    rubbersoul420 New Member

    That sounds very appealing to me. As a new member, it wouldn't really effect me much. However, as a new member, I didnt like the fact that I had to travel like 3000 blocks just to find a good secluded place to build. I don't know if any other member feel this way, but I feel like that could effect other new members judgement on the server. If they have to run super far, they might just get bored or keep dying and decide to quit. And as the host of the server, I am sure you can see from my perspective. Your goal is probably to gain more members and build the best possible server you can. And if that means resetting the economy to be better, and starting off with a fresh map, I am all for it. And personally, I wouldn't mind fresh dungeons and areas to explore. However, you SHOULD allow certain dedicated members, or people who feel deserve it to get their structures moved, or compensate them somehow. But that's all your decision.
    Reverenddubstep and Archenemy666 like this.
  4. GhostFig

    GhostFig New Member

    Like what TheShadow843 said we have all grown attached to the server and have been on for a year. I truly wish that Shadecrest remain in its wonderful and pristine condition. We have all gone through a "bored of minecraft" stage, yet always Shadecrest has been a wonderful place to build and improve; were we to take all of what was previously done away the affects would be detrimental.
  5. rubbersoul420

    rubbersoul420 New Member

    To me, it is minecraft. It is meant to be destroyed and rebuilt.
    Dynodamon, Cashkid32 and Archenemy666 like this.
  6. I just want to say that there is nothing pristine about the condition the server is in. The seed is horrid and outdated. Most of the structures are abandoned and even some of the still populated towns have signs of decay and griefing within them.
  7. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    Ghost, Shadecrest is not at all pristine. The map is way too outdated, and attempts to "fix" the map have failed.
  8. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Too much of an economical advantage, Max wants everyone even. Perhaps the people that have been here for 1 year+ get a free warp. Won't be overpowered/gamebreaking, and the newbies won't notice. Also, we USED to have land protection for VIPs but it was too much work.
    Reverenddubstep likes this.
  9. Cashkid32

    Cashkid32 Member VIP

    The server definitely needs this reset. Where I am currently living there are some chunk errors and crap. There even is some very old world generation (It looks pretty nice, thankfully) near me as well. But the biomes are screwed up.

    Cmon players! Haven't you made a new Minecraft world on singleplayer? I do it a lot. I can't seem to be dedicated to just one world. (I do have one really old world with epic structures, it's from alpha 1.1. I no lived that thing. :3) To me Minecraft had to stay fresh, and updated with all the new world generation that changed the game forever.
  10. GhostFig

    GhostFig New Member

    To point out a fact here, there are less people than ever playing video games, and less people than ever on Shadecrest. This now means less people to deal with; what I am wondering is if there are not too many people on then why should it be so difficult to build. Worst case scenario here, you join a town and have to demolish a home after buying a plot to build one of your own. Or possibly asking an admin if it is alright to demolish the home of someone who hasn't been on in 6 months to a year.
  11. millz14

    millz14 Active Member VIP

    Well i have been waiting for this! i think its a great idea i have been on shadecrest for about a year and a half now and i must say i cant play on it any more there is no point i have every i think a map restart would be amazing! i am 100% with this idea i think it would be great for the server and it would make me and i am sure a lot of other people very happy
    Nifix and Reverenddubstep like this.
  12. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    there are less people playing minecraft, not video games in general, but there are still a lot of people that do.
  13. I wanna change my vote. I don't care if we restart. I'll respect the decision whatever it is, I think it will be okay either way. I just wanna stay with shadecrest. :)
  14. PhuzzYLogiK

    PhuzzYLogiK Member

    So if everything is so great as it is...why have so many people left? If everyone is so in awe of what's been done in the past, why didn't they stick around? You're saying to keep everything the same, when it's the "same old" that has driven the server to less people.

    Also, as others are alluding to, Minecraft itself is still quite dynamic. There may come a point where, even more than now, the old maps are simply incompatible with new versions. Should we allow the server to become obsolete simply to maintain the status quo from a year ago?
  15. I'm honestly torn between the two. I see advantages and disadvantages from both sides.
    Nevertheless, even as somebody who has built a huge amount of stuff, I would be able to cope with a reset.

    We can't kid ourselves and think that this map will last indefinitely. All maps will overtime get to the stage where abandoned builds and cities outnumber active ones, and the top 50% of players have more resources than they would ever, ever need.
    It appears that shadecrest is at this stage.

    It makes me think of the climbers in distress analogy.
    Disclaimer, not literal
  16. Lothaar

    Lothaar Member VIP

    Wow, what an amazing thread. It is nice to see that we are all capable of generating and sharing such well thought out ideas and concerns. The more I read, the more I cant decide what I even want; and in this state of indecision, I have seen the real value of what we have here, a community.

    We have a lot of people that care about this server, its administrators and its players. This community, is what we all want to be preserved. In these dozen pages of dialogue I do not see players with mega rupies or uber massive builds or way high mmo stats; I see players that want to remain a part of a community.

    It was hard for me to see that, I admit, through all the things myself and others have achieved and accumulated. And even though I am not heavily involved socially on the server, a community that cares is a must have component. Social integration takes me a long time, and it is so nice to know that there is a community out there waiting for when the time is right.

    So, for me, community preservation is key and any reset strategy or scenario that simply tries to just piss off as few people as possible, I believe, will fail. We may benefit from redirecting our focus from, who gets what or will loose how much to, what makes this a great community and how do we not only maintain it, but advance it. From what you have, to who you have it with.

    I build, design, create, and then I and others can enjoy, expand, recreate. This is only possible because of all of the underlying infrastructure and management of the server. So what ever your best experiences have been, they have only been so because of these underlying features. Not only that, but these great times you have had are directly proportional to the level of efficiency and implementation of the underlying infrastructure and management of the server.

    If the Baeedass Mofos that provide these underlying elements for us to play on top of; if they have a clean slate to work with; think about how the potential for great times could increase. They build the car; we just drive it. And even though the experience of driving the car seems like that's all that matters in the equation, its not. The car matters more, as it provides you with the potential for that experience.

    A refreshed better server may provide for a higher enjoyment potential. So much so, that it may easily out weigh the loss of players that will accompany it. Enjoying this game with other people is what makes the community what it is. More enjoyment should make a better community.

    It is nice that the administrators encourage us to give our opinion on this matter and I am sure it helps in their decision making process. But it is their decision; and for me, at this point, I think I trust their consensus more than my own opinion. I want community preservation and I think the best way to have that is to defer to the folks that actually build the car we all love to drive.
  17. Lothar wins the thread.
    sharqman and Archenemy666 like this.
  18. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    Thats it folks, I'd say it has been decided. There have been many great points, but it's time to move on.
  19. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    heathqr likes this.
  20. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    As you guys think towards the collective and do not care about the individual and whilst someone with 2 weeks will hardly notice I with a year and almost 4 months will feel it I own a town, a shop, and have items. You may say "You like to hoard?" I say to you Yes because I worked for it and I think someone with a couple months should not be playing with my stuff likes it a stuffed doll sure the map is old but we can clean it up if people were not lazy and got compensated I leave you this.
    Who is John Galt?
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