Peaceful and PvP Reset: Feedback Appreciated

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by PhuzzYLogiK, Sep 28, 2012.

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  1. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    As an idea, we could just have any new member's who stick around and want land just report abandoned/broke down places they either want to refurbish of take down, and respond accordingly. I do think that to some extent the regen's are possible if everyone works at it, like reporting the worst area's for fixing. I can think of more later, but i think cleaning things up and going with time/people avaliable would be a good way to bring everyone closer together.
  2. The problem I see with this, is that people have already said they have been putting modreqs in for buildings to be demoed, and the mods and admins just can't keep up with the sheer amount of work that it is entailing. Nifix posted something about this in the thread that the vote is going in. If the admins feel this is just too much work for them, then lets come up with some other options.
  3. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    i disagree heath. i think people like seeing other stuff that is settled, and if they bring their friends look for a place near all the commotion to build. starting all over again will have new people think this is a fledgeling server, and just move on to another one with impressive builds and communities they can go near
  4. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    i am thinking about shadecrest's future, but i dont see it working out. Like arch and now you said, if there is a save or a museum i'm happy, but the new players wouldnt want bare, or just thrown together things. if it was reset, then when i have time i would come on, join a town and build a little but nothing like what i have now because i know when another problem arises people will just say reset and that will happen throwing more players away. i dont know it it's possible to select area's that are not needed for cleaning, and clean the rest but i'm sure something to that effect can be done.
  5. The_Mexicans

    The_Mexicans Member

    bring back fancy chat and all the server problems will be fixed
  6. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    It seems this discussion is about getting new maps, and resetting all of the stats, everything. The second point obviously requires a reset of the server map, otherwise it wouldn't be a full reset, but is this what we fully need? If the peaceful world is not to a good standard, couldn't we just add a new peaceful world? Seems reasonable enough considering a museum world would require an extra two maps. Then maybe make the new peaceful /warp peaceful, so all new players get sent here, while other players can still access the old peaceful through all the warps there, or /warp oldpeaceful.

    While I personally wouldn't be too devo about a reset, I can see where Flag is coming from.
  7. TheShadow843

    TheShadow843 New Member VIP

    okay... i only have this to say. there are so many amazing things on this server and that's whats keeping it alive. I've played on a lot of servers and each and everyone at some point reset their maps. it was such a horrible loss because all my hard work, gone. the buildings that i'd look at and laugh because i remembered something funny that happened then.. gone. resetting the map (in my opinion) is not the right answer. so man people have put in so much work into making these worlds amazing. so many people have spent days, even weeks, perhaps even months making amazing structures that they are proud of, and they chose this server to house those buildings. I do not believe resetting the map would be right. the amazing castles and homes in peaceful, the huge extravagant towns in the PvP world... gone... turned into nothing but a memory. my best moments on this server was when i found a new awesome building somewhere in the world that looked amazing and caught my attention. so please... don't reset the map. i'd be heart broken if you guys did. I've been playing on this server since January... its given me so many fond memories... don't erase those memories... please don't. I understand that at first some new players may not get it and want a map reset, but give them time. once they see just how amazing these maps are, they'll never want to give them up, and that's all I've got to say on this matter.
  8. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Max, if we DO reset, there needs to be some advantage the veterans get over the new people because they put more time and effort in the server.
  9. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    you didn't even participate in fancy chat gtfo :p

    The entire map would not be a museum, just the good stuff like towns, current, in the making, and ruined, and requested builds.

    The server map is corrupted. The seed is horrible, oceans everywhere. That itself would turn new players away. You will always be able to check out all of the old places, and still fight in them because survival game maps will be made. It has been almost two years, I think it's time for new legacies to rise and the famous DF vs Arcadia rivalry to finally end.
  10. Cashkid32

    Cashkid32 Member VIP

    I'll say what I said a couple minutes ago on the IRC chat.

    "I want free stuff because I'm a vet."
  11. The_Mexicans

    The_Mexicans Member

    I would end up living in the museum map.....
  12. PhuzzYLogiK

    PhuzzYLogiK Member

    Shadow, I'm quoting you, but I don't mean to single you out. There are quite a few people who have expressed similar thoughts.

    What I don't understand about this thought process is this: do you think nothing is going to be built on a new landscape? I mean, everyone talks like after a reset the server will be devoid of buildings forever. I know skyscrapers won't pop up right away, but if you were a new player would you rather come in and see:
    "Oh, here's a town that was built 8 months ago by some guy that's inactive and is abandoned...and it looks like someone has griefed it" or
    "Hey, we're currently building X, do you want to join our town and help?"

    A lot of people are talking like if the server is reset, no buildings can ever be built again. If you're worried that new people want to see something huge built, don't point to something that was built long ago and abandoned, build something awesome yourself and tell them, "I built that, think you can do better?" It's kinda like the point of the game. I don't see the point of holding up the current map on a pedestal, like it's the paradigm of Minecraft architecture that can never be equaled. New cities and structures will rise.

    If the server is reset, you won't have to look for new nooks and crannies to scrape up something you haven't seen before, new and interesting builds would be everywhere.
    Archenemy666 likes this.
  13. heathqr

    heathqr Member VIP

    The trouble is, shadow, that we give them as much time as they want. they just dont want it. they cant see how they can contribute to a society with very little in the way of wildlands. and so to save themselves time, they simply leave in search of something else.

    Ok, I have it. Here is what we can give to the veterans that should satisfy those that feel that all their hard work is for naught. Each player that is a member prior to reset gets 10k rupies and for the first week after reset, is given an opportunity to claim a plot of land at the cost of 1r per block. The full 10k rupees would allow a person to reserve for their own personal building a 100x100 chunk of land from bedrock to verticle limit so that they could stake a claim in the new world. Something that the newcomers would not have the luxury of.
  14. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    i'm with mex, im living in the museum lol.
    and i know, but i think people would rather see what's been made in the past and build with it then just thrown into this, or that. and i know it wont be "devoid of of buildings" but it will take a lot longer because you cant just tell eveyone to gather stuff and work. people like to join something made and build onto it once it is and help out with some town stuff, but not fresh work work work stuff.
  15. GhostFig

    GhostFig New Member

    I am strongly against a reset for many reasons. Many players have spent a lot of time and effort getting resources and building homes. I feel that it would not only be rude but inconsiderate to destroy all of that. Shadecrest has many wonderful towns and building, were they to be destroyed I feel the players would lose interest in the server because anything they do will just get deleted anyways. Shadecrest is a wonderful server and were it to constantly be reset, the affects would be deleterious. People don't want to play on a server where technically their work will be destroyed. In my opinion the only way to classify this would be governmental greifing.
    TheShadow843 likes this.
  16. Archenemy666

    Archenemy666 Active Member VIP

    It's not going to be constantly reset.
  17. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    there will be no regular resets. This is mainly to fix the messed up map. In result create a new environment where players can form new communities.
  18. heathqr

    heathqr Member VIP

    Let me also point out that map resets are not a new concept. There are lots of dead servers with long forgotten, awesome builds on it completely void of players. All the big, successful servers have had at least one map reset. Some have them more frequently than others. Map resets are part of a server's regenerative life cycle. Also, realize that we are not as a server starting COMPLETELY over. We have our forums up and running, we have teamspeak up and running, we know which plugins we want, we have a wiki already in use, and most importantly, we will already have an active community. We all get to start over as far as the game goes, but just play the way you play and you will find yourselves on top again. The only differences will be there will be considerably more land to explore and develop, and we will have a large influx of new members willing to support the success of this server. After 3 months, everyone here right now will be saying how much better of a server it is than before the reset. We are all friends, and there is nothing that will reset that.
  19. TheShadow843

    TheShadow843 New Member VIP

    Well, my thought process is this, when i first joined this server it was already big, basically how it is now. i managed to join a town and start a house in peaceful. ever since i joined Arcadia the town has been added to and re-modeled so many times.when you open up the Shadecrest website it doesn't say "Shadecrest: a place with cool buildings" (even though there are plenty of epic buildings) it says "Shadecrest: a Minecraft Community" that's what the whole point of shadecrest is. its not just a server to build on. it's one of those servers where you can make amazing friendships and build awesome memories (literally) you know what my friend ghost and i are working on right now? lets just say its huge... and has required many hours of skyping and digging and building and it's still not even half way done (i will not mention what is is yet because we want it to be a surprise when its finished) there is still plenty of room on the server for people to build and the active towns are always changing and evolving into new things. look i get that it's hard to get ahead right now on the server, but guess what? When i first joined the server i had absolutely no where to go and nothing to do, but soon i started mining, got some gold, sold it... then i realized something... if you try to make money on the server, you'll succeed! there is a market for everything! heck i started up a successful potion and enchanting business with my friends, and managed to make enough money to buy one of the largest houses in Arcadia, and still had enough left over to pay to make a home on the very edge of the peaceful map! you've just gotta try, resetting the map will only hurt the server, not only that but it won't help the new players because now you just have a world where people can easily over power everyone else and dominate. this server started out small and slowly grew over time, you can't just bring it back to small and start shoving everything back into it. that'll just make it burst and fail. if you want money, if you want an awesome house and an awesome experience, then give to the community, join a town, heck try to make your own town! check the dynmap, look for a deserted area and go colonize it! the map is gigantic! if you give to the community then trust me it'll give back ten-fold, but resetting the maps will only kill this server. and i don't wanna see that happen because so many people have put so much thought and work into making it. whether it be the time it took to build large towns like Arcadia or DragonForge or Erathia, too a $14,000 rose brought from the auctions (*cough*_Flagellum*cough*) there has been so much heart and love and soul put into this server, and its not right to just take it all away. i donated to this server for what it is and because i know that imaxorz put a lot of thought and not to mention a whole lot of money into making this server into what it is. i do like the idea of perhaps adding another map... but do not under any circumstances erase the current maps. they have only given this server fame and greatness.
    GhostFig likes this.
  20. GhostFig

    GhostFig New Member

    Sharqman I do not feel it is right for some people who have been on for year(s) to lose all their stuff and builds just for the sake of some new people complaining.
    TheShadow843 likes this.
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