Anyone been wanting a nice texture pack? In 32x32, 64x64, or 128x128? Well, you're problem is solved! I gained JJJas0n's blessing and am now owner of Fancycraft until he returns. As you can see, I've been getting loads of downloads. 20k, WHOOO You can download it on Planetminecraft or Minecraftforums. Give me feedback, you guys are the type of players I want to be using the pack. Tell me the bad stuff, I can take it. I only use Paint.NET because stupid GIMP makes all textures with clear in them (Torches, cactus, and of course, ALL THE ITEMS) black... RACIST GIMP.
I will be sure to do that around the next update. I'm glad to help Shadecrest in any way I can. (I think I'm returning ^_^)
You think so? Sharp hands? I don't recall... You sure you got the right pack? Default skins look nice... Meh, constructive criticism. Thanks!
Actually Max, nevermind. I'm confused out of my mind xD. Let's hope for the best. So I have to make a project now? And it appears on my page? UGH it seems you just copied and pasted a cheap tutorial you made for some noob.