
Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by thodazarexrt, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    Why was I banned?Cussing at staff......

    Can I appeal my ban?
    Sure, I have been banned because of offence and really am never offensive other than when people make me mad. I'm not really sure why I was banned from dyno, he just really doesn't like me I suppose because of my crudeness.

    What should I write in my appeal?I have no reason to write anything other than I'm sorry for any inconvenience. I honestly have no care for the matter.

    Thread Subject: Thodazarex's ban app

    What is your IGN? Thodazarexrt

    Who banned you?(use @<Dynodamon, Imaxorz>) imaxorz

    Why were you banned(You leave long time)? Offence

    When were you banned? December 13, 2013

    How long is your ban? Permanent

    Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? I said things I'm not proud of ;). lol

    Why should you be unbanned? I'm just going to let staff decide what I was banned for, it seems like the staff have a lot to say about me and my attitude. If you don't like the person ban them is the motto the staff live by I suppose.

    I can be a lazy person, just saying because I copied and pasted most of this :p. But you know what it worked so I'm not complaining lol.

    Sorry if you don't like the layout of my writing.

    I have a lot to say about my time on the server, anything you need to know I'll tell you. I'm the most honest person you'll see on this server and you won't find anyone else like me. Try and trust me you won't for a while! Thanks for the time I've spent playing here and having fun but if you want to take that away from me go right ahead I'm not stopping anyone.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  2. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    I played for 2 years and got banned for cussing once

    --Edit by Erik, compressing posts--
    Dyno has broken the rules of the enforcment like a police officer out of his mind literally.
    I don't know if max had any involvement in my ban...
    " have to be kidding me man." I said and I cussed at dyno and max, that's all.
    Not sure why a perma ban is important here, maybe a 2 day would be nice! lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Being a two year vet means nothing, especially if you didn't play for ~ a year. Also how did you mess up the app? you literally copy past the questions.

    You were banned for repeated offences of insulting staff members. You're going to have a better attitude than that if you want to get unbanned.
  4. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    First off, I'm pretty sure you haven't even been here a year so idk why you are bringing longevity up.

    You clearly have some entitlement and emotional issues as per the convo you so graciously invited us to. Your attitude as of late has been quite toxic. Just looking at the deleted posts in this thread, you clearly haven't made any efforts to make amends. As far as I'm concerned, I cant consider unbanning you for at least a year.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  5. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    K... Lol

    --Edit by Erik, compressing posts--
    Ok so I see that it isn't a good enough reason but there are many reasons that I should and shouldn't be unbanned just like many others that have been through my process. I can post as many reasons as I could process but I really don't want to if I'm not going to go far with it. I'm not trying to post reasons to get unbanned, I'm posting reasons I should be respected as a member of this server.

    I have been playing for atleast a year at most, I was in around the flexcity ages haha. I don't know why that would be a problem though, playing longer means better understanding.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
  6. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    I know this isn't my place to post,however when I talked to u in private in the game,you did seem to me quite annoyed by some emotional things that were happening. Other than that you were fun to hang around, just maybe you need more time to gather your thoughts and think more on how you "present" yourself towards others that you've called friends.

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
    Flamestar00 likes this.
  7. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    Please don't say emotional problems, they're over me now. I don't have "emotional problems" sorry if you think that of me. Not trying to offend in any way, I like you the same skittles but please don't post in this if you have to say things you don't know much about saying. Same goes for me but whatever haha.

    --Edit by Erik, compressing posts--
    I present myself fine I do what I need to be succesful as for obvious reasons.

    I hear all of you saying I have these personal issues I have to work out going to say. I really don't I've worked out my demons and found my place, if you want to hate on me for the way I am well then go right ahead. I'm not one to judge myself from others opinions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
  8. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    Again not my place to be...but good luck on trying to get unbanned...peace!

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  9. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Thod, the way it seems is that you have some serious entitlement issues.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
    Flamestar00 and Dynodamon like this.
  10. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    Yikes, where to begin?

    I'm not mad. I don't hate you. I'm very disappointed in your behavior over the past week. You've been here two years (played much less, but whatever). Since you've been here so long, you should know how things work and why we have systems the way we do. Let's do a little recap.

    Before last week, during the previous month or two, you were one of our more promising members. Social on teamspeak, active on the forums and in-game, and even planning to take initiative on some small projects to help a few members. End of November, you withdraw your mod application because of time conflicts with school and work. Fair enough, we've all been there. We'll selectively ignore the fact that most people who voted didn't think you would make a good admin (but in all reality, who checks that right?).

    Fast forward to this last week. You send a convo to 3 admins and 3 mods (why?) explaining that you should be a staff member. Ok, that's interesting, but let's see what you have to say. You make a few promises of what you could do, and claim you are mature and active member of the community. However, things get interesting when you say it would be a "joke" if we didn't accept you because you plan on being a college student. Well you sound rather full of yourself right now, and I'm not sure what being a college student has to do with anything, but let's keep going! You then claim that you would do a much better job than our "15-17 year old" moderators. Criticizing current staff members isn't really the step in the right direction. Aren't you 16 years old right now? Sounds that it could potential be hypocritical (and it ends up being! zing!).

    Welp, following this, I politely remind you that we have a system for moderator applications in place and that you should refer to that. Apparently, reminding you of that was the wrong thing to do. During the next 3-6 pms you sent us, you threw one the biggest and saddest hissy fits (temper tantrum?) we've had to witness. I had to remind you again that we had certain protocol and that your current attitude wasn't going to help you at all. Again apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. You then proceeded to say or imply a number of things. Bullet list time!
    • Dynodamon is a douche and a piece of shit
    • Imaxorz is a piece of shit
    • The server staff as a whole is a piece of shit
    • Our current moderator application process is complete garbage
    • Our server was terrible and that you could do a much better job
    Well then. I'll be honest; I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish there. Not only did you manage to kill any chance you had of becoming a staff member, but you pretty much pissed off every single staff member who found out what happens! Sorry bud, but it looks like you missed "Right Ways to Become a Moderator" for $500. You seemed very excited to criticize us personally in a very rude manner. One of my favorite parts was when you claimed that you could run a server better than ours. I had quite the chuckle.

    Enough history there. I banned you because of your attitude towards your fellow Shade Crest members. You were extremely rude, and you possessed the attitude of an entitled brat. You may be able to talk to other individuals in that manner somewhere else, but such an attitude isn't welcomed or accepted here.

    Quote time! Tsk tsk! No deleting posts!
    I don't hate the person. I hate the behavior.

    Not really sure what this means. You don't care about your ban appeal? You don't care about getting a staff position? Why bother with all this in the first place. You're just wasting everyone's time.

    Honest person? You claim in the past that you love this server and it means a lot to you, then a week later you say it is terrible. We're not taking anything away from you (dat entitlement); you took this away from yourself with your behavior.

    This is one of my favorites. Clearly I am a heathen barbarian with no regards to sense.

    I'm glad that when I present a counter argument, you respond with this gem. What fine intellectualism and maturity.

    This is another fine example of hypocrisy. Reasons why you should be respected? Maybe a month ago you could have gotten a few, but you have pretty much shot yourself in the foot. Why should people respect you when you personally insult them? Why should people respect you when you are unable to give it in return? You might have had some before, but it jumped out the window along with your dignity.

    Better understanding? Better understanding of the rules we have the systems we have in place. Glad that your two years have taught you a lot about respecting others around you and the effective processes we have established.

    Well, considering that your attitude about Shade Crest flipped 180 degrees in the span of a few days/weeks begs the question if something outside of life is affecting you. You may not have any emotional problems, but you clearly have an awful sense of entitlement. You don't judge yourself from other peoples' opinions, yet you try to defend yourself on why you should be respected. We're not hating on you. We're hating on your poor behavior and brat syndrome you seem to be showing as of late.

    To summarize, since you think I'm such a douche and that my name displays douchiness, maybe you should rethink your actions of the past few days since you still seem to claim infallibility. Also, since you seem so eager to start your own much better server, go for it! I'd be willing to bet that few people would miss you here.

    Though I really really hope what I wrote doesn't fall on deaf ears, I can't see you changing your perspective and attitude anytime soon. As a result, I can't unban you if you still hold a toxic approach to myself, other staff members, and a server as a whole. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.
  11. treyman77

    treyman77 Active Member

    GG dyno
  12. mrtreefingers

    mrtreefingers Active Member VIP

    This thread is ridiculous and I feel sorry that dyno had to deal with this guy. Lets lock this, burry that ban report, and go drink some eggnog!
    Flamestar00 and Dynodamon like this.
  13. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Our motto for banning players is:

    Cut the weed at the source.

    We ban people before they spread to other members of the community and darken our reputation and playerbase. If a person perceives themselves to be wronged, then we have a system for them to appeal, if it is a genuine appeal then it may be taken to the staff section of the forums for the banner to be questioned. It's a simple process so long as the appeal is genuine and taken seriously.

    I know it's not my place to post here as it's a survival matter, but I perceive a slight against staff as a slight against staff from all ShadeCrest servers.
    DeeeezNutz, Flamestar00 and Dynodamon like this.
  14. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Or at least move it to off-topic. We've actually had quite a few laughs from threads like these. #PedoBearKing
  15. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    See this is entitlement stuff lol.

    --Edit by Erik, compressing posts--
    I like how tree says "I'm sorry dyno has had to deal with this guy" I had to deal with dyno... lol
    This is too much for what I've done, I just want this locked now please.
    My entitlement issues can go aside because I really don't have any problem with the rank of member, I don't care much for the respect that's all.

    I personally just want the way of things to go back to normal, that is all. No admin status no entitlement issues I really just don't care about that. I just feel like playing minecraft...
    You guys pissed me off and I was in a bad mood, nothing that I said reflected on you guys badly just like kids yelling at each other is what I did.
    I don't have problems with you and imaxorz, I was mad and had no idea what I was saying literally laughing at myself. But yeah ban me if you need to for a year I really don't want the respect to be lowered because of my viscious attitude. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have a problem :p.

    I'm trying to handle things with maturity and respect no harassment and things like that, I'm sorry I did what I did and it isn't something I'm happy of doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
  16. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    Please don't post in here with that attitude...
  17. thodazarexrt

    thodazarexrt Member

    This is the server I've played for 2 years at most, I wouldn't just go up starting my own without help and knowing what I'm doing, I like to just play on here because it gives me down time and I don't like being on a perma ban because my down time is usually not the same XD.

    --Edit by Erik, compressing posts--
    I want staff to know I want you to respect me and I'll respect you back. I stream this server and have a lot of fun with the stuff that goes on within creative, survival, and vanilla.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
  18. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    thod said:
    I'm not really sure why I was banned from dyno, he just really doesn't like me I suppose because of my crudeness.
    I want the staff to know I want you to respect me and I'll respect you back.

    QuietSea, Flamestar00 and Dynodamon like this.
  19. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    More posts doesn't win an argument, Thod... Also, didn't you tell me last night that you knew you were probably not getting unbanned, and you were making all these posts just to cause trouble?
  20. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Some people dig themselves holes but don't know when to stop digging. You could well have been unbanned if you took a completely different approach.
    Flamestar00 likes this.
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